Empower’s Women’s Political Participation Workshops 2023

Only 97 Malaysian women have ever made it as representatives in the Dewan Rakyat since its establishment and currently only 13.5% (28 out of 222) of MPs in the Dewan Rakyat are women. What’s more, this figure has actually dropped from 14.86% before GE15. Such astonishing figures can only mean that despite women now making up almost 50% of the population, they are still deliberately sidelined from politics, and as a result of this marginalization, suffer from a whole host of discriminatory and outdated policies and practices that still plague the country. 

Empower aims to increase women’s political participation (WPP) especially among women from marginalised and impoverished Malaysian communities. As such, aspiring women from various backgrounds, mostly from the B40 category were selected to participate in WPP workshops organised by Empower in July and in December of 2023. Empower’s WPP workshop aims to provide informative and empowering sessions to enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of human rights, gender equality, and the importance of women's representation in political leadership.

Particpants during the July WPP.

This first in the series of workshops took place over 2 weekends (25-26 and 22-23 July 2023), at the Shah’s Village Hotel in Petaling Jaya. The four-day workshop, which was conducted in Bahasa Malaysia, encouraged participants to engage in the conversations, debates and simulations over the course of the workshop in order to expose them to the key themes, processes and understanding of women’s political empowerment.

The success of the first workshop was followed by another WPP workshop on 8-10 December 2023 with a new set of participants. The workshop this time was done over three days instead of four and had been condensed and made more intensive to fit into a single weekend in order to appeal to more participants. All four modules taught during the previous workshop were continued although each had been slightly tweaked to fit into the schedule and more importantly after taking into account the feedback received from previous participants.

As participants left both workshops, they were equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to break down the barriers that have historically limited women's political participation and strive for a future where women's voices are heard and respected in all spheres of governance. The workshop serves as a catalyst for change, paving the way for participants to advocate for their rights and contribute towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

Empower is proud to have collaborated with facilitators Asura Nasron of Suaram, Hisomuddin Bakar of Illham Centre, Maha Balakrishnan, Asraf Sharafi of Bersih, and Danesh Chako and Dr Ng Kit Yoong from Tindak Malaysia who were all instrumental in bringing the modules below to life: 

Human Rights and Political Representation of Women in Malaysia

Participants learned about the various laws, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international conventions that aim to safeguard women's rights and promote gender equality such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Understanding these foundational principles is crucial for women to advocate effectively for their political and civil rights. Participants also delved into the themes surrounding gender equality and familiarised participants with concepts such as intersectionality and privilege. Participants explored how multiple aspects of identity, such as race, class, and sexuality, intersect with gender to create unique experiences and challenges for women. This session fostered a deeper understanding of the diverse issues women face, emphasizing the importance of inclusive policies and advocacy.

To further contextualise their learning, participants explored the status of women's rights and their political representation in Malaysia. Together, they examined women's participation in government and the barriers that hinder their progress. The session underscored the urgent need for greater women's representation in political offices.

Parliamentary Reform and Parliamentary Processes; Politics and Administration in Malaysia

Understanding the political landscape is essential for effective engagement and to navigate the political terrain effectively. Participants approached the intricacies of politics and administration in Malaysia, learning about the country's political parties, electoral system, and the role of the civil service. By approaching the intricacies of parliamentary reform and processes in Malaysia, participants learned about the functioning of the Malaysian Parliament, the legislative process, and the role of parliamentary committees. Understanding these mechanisms is vital for women aiming to influence policy changes.

Participants engaged in discussions on the principles of democracy, including accountability, transparency, and the rule of law. The sessions empowered women with the knowledge to hold their elected representatives accountable. 

The Electoral Process and the Formation of Government

Lastly, the workshop provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of the electoral process and the formation of government in Malaysia. They learned about voter registration, campaign strategies, and the significance of women's participation in elections. Understanding these elements is pivotal for women aspiring to become political leaders.

A detailed summary of both workshops can be found here:

WPP Workshop 25-26; 22-23 July 2023

WPP Workshop 8-10 December 2023

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